Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Tony Robbins DOGS! Systems explained

"DOGS" stands for constant and never ending improvement. It is an acronym that Tony developed more influence than a decade ago and was developed by Dr. W. Edwards Deming. Deming is regarded as one of the leaders, the movement of the highest quality to the Japanese led credited. Its basic assumption is that the secret to achieving the Japanese world power and economic success was if every single person and organization committed to continuous improvement.

The Japanese have aWord for "constant and never ending improvement" and is called "Kaizen." Kaizen is the Japanese word Kai and Zen where "kai" means change and "zen" means well. Yes folks, the change well.

According to Robbins lessons from his command of the series, did not want to embrace the "kaizen"-word because it was a Japanese word and finally Deming was an "American ?" it was just right, an American word that means the same as Kaizen create. TransformationalVocabulary is an important component to the principles that Robbins teaches, you can probably understand why Tony wanted to create a brand or a name for the club.

It is very easy to get caught in your goals and desired end results ? to the point of being overwhelmed. DOGS offers a solution and a reference point for your attention. If all you did was to improve one small aspect of your life every single day, you should be able to achieve in unusual time.

The advantages ofDOGS are:

Create a personal moment, and it is difficult for the company in step with competitors.
The personal satisfaction and fulfillment, as you will grow personally.
Leads to innovation. Innovation generates utility.

Tony Robbins once said: "We only learn our limits go beyond that." DOGS! is a principle to encourage to make small incremental improvements daily ? and in this way can you have aWay to go beyond the current set of self-imposed restrictions.

In what areas of your life, you apply the principles of the DOGS! Today?

Wealth and financial or

or family relationships

Friendship or construction

OR Health & Fitness

and spirituality

and Leisure & Pleasure / Joy

or educational and career

or the public service / volunteer

If you define success as a "trip" and not as an end goal, youcan take comfort in the fact that taking personal growth and satisfaction come from constant and never ending improvement (CANI!).


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